万物照応表(抜粋) : Table I (the whole scale) - 10

[ 万物照応表 : Table I - 10 ]
I. Key Scale. XXXIV. Some Greek Gods. XXXV. Some Roman Gods.
0 Pan  
1 Zeus, Iacchus Jupiter
2 Athena, Uranus [[Hermes]] Janus [[Mercury]]
3 Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Here [[Psyche, Kronos]] Juno, Cybele, Saturn, Hecate, &c.
4 Poseidon [[Zeus]] Jupiter [[Libitina]]
5 Ares, Hades Mars
6 Iacchus, Apollo, Adonis [[Dionysus, Bacchus]] Apollo [[Bacchus, Aurora]]
7 Aphrodite, Nike Venus
8 Hermes Mercury
9 Zeus(as Air), Diana of Ephesus(as phallic stone [[and Luna]]) [[Eros]] Diana(as Luna) [[Terminus, Jupiter]]
10 Persephone, [Adonis] Psyche Ceres
11 Zeus Jupiter [[Juno, Aeolus, Bacchus connected with ATU 0]]
12 Hermes Mercury
13 Artemis, Hecate Diana
14 Aphrodite Venus
15 Athena Mars, Minerva
16 [Here] Venus [[Hymen]]
17 Castor and Pollux, Apollo the Diviner [[Eros]] Castor and Pollux, [Janus] [[Hymen]]
18 Apollo the Charioteer Mercury [[Lares and Penates]]
19 Demeter [borne by lions] Venus(repressing the Fire of Vulcan)
20 [Attis] [Attis], Ceres, Adonis [[Vesta, Flora]]
21 Zeus Jupiter, [Pluto]
22 Themis, Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanthus Vulcan [[Venus, Nemesis]]
23 Poseidon Neptune [[Rhea]]
24 Ares [[Apollo the Pythean, Thanatos]] Mars [[Mors]]
25 Apollo, Artemis(hunters) Diana(as Archer) [[Iris]]
26 Pan, Priapus, [Erect Hermes and Bacchus] Pan, Vesta, Bacchus
27 Ares [[Athena]] Mars
28 [Athena], Ganymede Juno [[Aeolus]]
29 Poseidon [[Hermes Psychopompos]] Neptune
30 Helios, Apollo Apollo [[Ops]]
31 Hades Vulcan, Pluto
32 [Athena] Saturn [[Terminus, Astraea]]
32bis [Demeter] [[Gaia]] Ceres
31bis Iacchus [Liber] [[Bacchus]]

[ I ] の列の [ 1-10 ] は10のセフィラ、[ 11-31bis ] は22の小径に当たります。[ I ] の列の [ 11-31bis ] では四大(及び霊)が配属される箇所の数字を左寄せ、七惑星が配属される箇所の数字を中央寄せ、黄道十二宮が配属される箇所の数字を右寄せにしてあります。
